Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Contagious" is a Good Word

I have been inspired by Kiran Bir Sethi this morning - a teacher in India who is "teaching kids life's most valuable lesson: "I can." Kiran firmly believes that children need to spread the "I Can Infection" through change and that "Contagious" is a good word. It is well worth watching her Ted Talk embedded below. Kiran simply believes in children and has set them the task of believing in themselves and setting about changing the world - starting in India:-) The projects that the children from Riverside School in Ahmedabad and other schools throughout India have achieved are incredible! On group of children decided "our parents are illiterate and we want to teach them how to read and write" - powerful changes were made by the children performing street plays to create awareness of the importance of being literate. Watching the children in action and hearing the parents reactions is truly heartwarming. As Tony Ryan wrote on his blog "If you’re into student-centred learning, you’re going to love this."

PS Watch out for the world's first child-friendly zebra crossing:-)

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